You are here: Designing Your LearnCenter (Classic Page Editor) > Showing and Hiding Content Areas

Showing and Hiding Content Areas

There may be times when you want to make certain content areas viewable to your Users for a certain time period (or there may be times when you do not want content areas to show at all). You can control when an area or the page will be seen or hidden by Users. For example, you may want to display the message “Happy Holidays” from November 20 to December 31, or perhaps you are creating a new content area that you do not want to display until you are finished.

  1. Log in to LearnCenter using your Administrator credentials.
  2. Locate the Management Control section in the Left Nav Bar.

  1. Click and use the drop-down list to locate and select the page that contains the area you want to show or hide. The page opens.
    Add a new content area to a page.
  2. Click to place the page in Edit Mode.
  3. Locate the area you want to show or hide.

  1. Click the Show On check box if you want the area to display to Users on a certain date.
  2. Select the date and time you want to the area to begin showing to your Users.
  3. Click the Hide On check box if you want the area to become hidden from Users on a certain date.
  4. Select the date and time you want the area to be hidden to your Users.
  5. Click Save Changes.

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